It isn't rare for a level to clock in around 25 minutes to complete. The levels in Freedom Planet are pretty long. Choosing Milla is definitely more for advanced players since she has less HP and stranger abilities that involve defense and projectiles.

I tried the other two characters in time attack mode, and Lilac seems to be the staple character, but Lilac and Carol are both very playable. Having a demo of their move list would have been nice since you cannot change characters without starting over. I have no regrets in my pick, but the game doesn't really give you anyway to know which character may best fit your play style. I chose Carol the cat who can pounce, slash with her claws, and can even ride a motorbike. Each has their own unique jump, attack, and special ability. You have three playable characters to choose from. However, this game separates itself from Sega's mascot very quickly after the first stage. There are springs that bounce you around stages, loops you run around, bars that take you up and down stages, and even the power-ups (shield, invincibility, one-ups) even have a Sonic vibe to them. Like the old Sonic games, it is a 2D platformer with a heavy emphasis on speed. This was originally meant to be a Sonic the Hedgehog fangame after all. You would be forgiven for assuming this is a lost Sonic spin-off after playing the first level. I was really happy to see that the game gives you the option to skip the current scene, or jump to the next level, so players can skip through the story easily if they wish on top of this, there is an arcade mode that just allows you to play the stages without any story, so the wealth of options really allows you to tailor your experience regarding the involvement of the plot. it certainly won't survive in the annals of great storytelling, but it does add to the style of the game and rounds out of the gameplay nicely. I loved having the break between levels, and the plot is entertaining if nothing else.

His character is a mix of the formidable and incompetent, and he does have some pretty intense and amusing scenes throughout the game. He has gained a lot of enemies by destroying other planets and killing off their species. The villain, Brevon, who is an intergalactic warlord, wants this kingdom stone to protect his home planet. I did grow to like the main characters, and the warring cities featured some pretty hilarious side characters. The voice acting really shines, and it lends the characters' credibility.

In fact, the plot does have a heavy 90s influence and can be very cheesy–with sappy dialogue about being such amazing friends and better off forgotten one liners–and it is definitely adolescent at its core. I was about ready to write the story off after in the beginning due to it having a Saturday morning cartoon feel straight out of the early 90s and all the different names that didn't seem to connect to one another. The plot begins with a lot of names, places, and an important artifact called the "Kingdom Stone". Your characters consist of three furry friends, Lilac, Carol, and Milla, as well as an alien named Torque. Freedom Planet features a cliche yet strong plot, mostly due to breaking up long levels and great voice acting. Indie platformers in recent years have often added a more plot-focused experience, some successfully, and others not so much. I have been playing platformers for a long time, and it used to be that they had little plot and essentially tossed you into the adventure after a miniscule cutscene.